
Control doping of non-metal light elements and defects for carbon nanomaterials via fluorination-defluorination process

The basal plane of carbon materials with sp2-hybridized covalent bonds is chemically stable. However, when vacancy defects and non-metal light elements, such as boron, nitrogen, fluorine, sulfur, and phosphor, are introduced in the basal plane, their chemical and physical properties change drastically. In our study, by reacting fluorinated carbon nanomaterials with ammonia gas at 300–600 °C, we succeeded in synthesizing nitrogen-doped carbon nanomaterials (with pyridinic-, pyrrolic-, and graphitic-type nitrogen species).

Design and fabrication for platinum-free oxygen reduction reaction catalysts

Hydrogen energy is a candidate for a new alternative energy system because hydrogen molecules can be generated from various resources, stored, and transported. Although hydrogen-energy-harnessing polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) have been expected, they have not yet been widely used. Platinum, an oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalyst, is an expensive and non-abundant resource, and it has poor durability for ORR activity. Therefore, metal-free carbon nanomaterials have been developed as alternative platinum catalysts. Nitrogen-doped carbon nanomaterials ....

Design and fabrication for high-performance carbon nanotube fibers

Although carbon nanotube fibers (CNTFs) and carbon nanotube yarns (CNTYs), which have attracted attention as electrode materials in the fields of sensing, wearable devices, and electrochemical batteries, are not only lightweight but also possess excellent flexibility, their tensile strength and elastic modulus are inferior to those of conventional carbon fibers owing to the interfacial slip caused by weak interactions between adjacent nanotubes. In actuality, it is difficult ....

News Information

“Are Non-Six-Membered Ring Defects Formed in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Treated by a Fluorination–Defluorination Process?” was published in Nanomaterials.

“Are Non-Six-Membered Ring Defects Formed in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Treated by a Fluorination–De … 続きを読む

Our paper was highlighted on the Front Cover of the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.

A paper on the catalytic activity of defect-induced SWCNTs by fluorination-defluorination for the oxygen reduc … 続きを読む

Our work on the controlled introduction of defects into SWCNTs via a fluorination–defluorination strategy got published on Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.

“Controlled introduction of defects into single-walled carbon nanotubes via a fluorination–defluorinatio … 続きを読む